Please suggest shoe making books

10 Answers

0 votes
answered May 4, 2020 by Shoe abc
0 votes
answered May 4, 2020 by shoes abc
0 votes



Cinderella's Revenge
by Samuele Mazza

Totally whimsical, wonderful with color photos of over 200 shoes, a dozen pages of text highlighting the shoe against a background of history, mythology, psychology and popular culture


Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
by Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol's icon style interpreting the commonplace 'shoe'. This fun collection of 40 drawings, prints, and watercolors is anything but commonplace!


Patrick Cox: Wit, Irony, and Footwear

A fascinating book on the life, style and work of contemporary shoe designer Patrick Cox. Over 150 color photos of collections and commissioned work for top fashion apparel designers.


Shoes Fashion & Fantasy
by Colin McDowell

For the shoe-crazed. The tale of how the shoe evolved into today's status symbol. Fine color illustrations.




answered May 28, 2020 by shoe school
0 votes


Foot Reflexology: A Visual Guide for Self-Treatment
by Jurgen Jora

We were introduced to this book by a guest speaker at ShoeSchool. Even if you don't subscribe to "reflexology"- this is a fine foot care / good health reference. Outstanding illustrations.



Hand and Foot Reflexology: A Self-Help Guide
by Kevin Kunz, Barbara Kunz

An excellent, easy-to-use, good-health book. Great illustrations.


Stories the Feet Can Tell Thru Reflexology
by Eunice D. Ingha

Originally published in 1938, the subtitle "Stepping to Better Health" captures the message of this book. Attention to, and care of, the feet can be critical to basic health


Your Feet
by Sandra Salmans

Subtitled, "Question you have...Answers you need", this is the one-stop guide to your feet. The Q & A format makes it a handy reference for all your foot issues: problems, treatments, and prevention.


answered May 28, 2020 by shoe school
0 votes


Swoosh: The Unauthorized Story of Nike and the Men Who Played There
by Laurie Becklund

An entertaining and informative read. No stuffy corporate history here. Told from an insider's perspective, covering the highs and lows of the industry giant. A national best-seller when it was published in 1995.

...Buy Now...


The Art & Science of Footwear Manufacturing

Compact and comprehensive introduction and overview of the shoe industry. As the US now imports over 90% of its footwear, this book could soon become a "collector's item"!



The Complete Footwear Dictionary
by William A. Rossi

Totally comprehensive resource for foot, shoe, manufacturing terminology and fundamentals. An essential reference for the shoe or apparel enthusiast!




answered May 28, 2020 by shoe school
0 votes


Shoe History

A Collection of Books that
will bring the past to life...

Shoe Art & Fashion

Shoes as Art...
Viewed as Fashion...



Craft Books about Shoes...
Leather Craft, etc...


Shoe Business

The Business of Shoes...                                      


Book Store   
answered May 28, 2020 by anonymous
0 votes


The ShoeSchool Library is a collection of esoteric, interesting, artistic, and informational reading material related to Shoes & Feet.

Shoe History / Shoe Art & Fashion / How To / Shoe Business

Cowboy Boots / Foot Health / Other Shoe Stuff

We have listed sources of How to Leather Craft Books, and Shoe Industry Trade Publications. You can link directly to the listed resources. Feel free to browse and purchase the books directly from each source.

Happy Reading !!!
Book Store


answered May 28, 2020 by shoe abc
0 votes

World Trades Publishing is the publisher of ‘The Fundamentals of Footwear’ is an independent business publishing company that has been providing footwear professionals worldwide with in-depth coverage of their industry for more than 30 years.

As the publisher of World Footwear magazine, the company has been at the forefront of bringing innovations in materials and manufacturing processes to the attention of the industry. It has also charted in detail the huge changes that have occurred in the global shoe supply chain in recent decades.

The company is one of the world’s most authoritative commentators on the global footwear industry. ‘The Fundamentals of Footwear’ is a must essential book for the footwear designer

You can buy this book either from



answered May 28, 2020 by shoe abc
0 votes

100-Vintage-Shoe-Making-Books-on-DVD-Patterns-Designs-Repair-Boots-Leather-H4 thumbnail 1

100 Vintage Shoe Making Books on DVD

100 Vintage Shoe Making Books on DVD - Patterns Designs Repair Boots Leather H4                                      Rare Shoe Making Books on DVD - Vintage Designs Patterns Boots Leather repair H4 

item 1 100 Vintage Shoe Making Books on DVD - Patterns Designs Repair Boots Leather H4 -100 Vintage Shoe Making Books on DVD - Patterns Designs  


A totally unique Library of  100 rare out-of-print books scanned to disk available for the first time here.  This stunning collection contains books relating to Boot & Shoe Making.

Compiled for the first time here this collection of books forms is without doubt the most complete reference archive the making of shoes and boosts, and its development and skills - a library of books that is stunning for it's depth, breadth and quality.

Discover not only the history of foot wear but also it's techniques and ancient traditional craft skills. Encompassing every aspect from design to completion learn the design process, how to grade and cut boot and shoe patterns, the preparation of the raw materials and the assembling process - whether that be the traditional handcrafted and sewn foot wear or the later designs of machine assisted production.

Whatever your requirements a Complete list of the titles of the books that are included on the disk is reproduced below, take the time to read through the list of titles that has been reproduced below and you will see the depth and breadth of knowledge that is covered.

answered May 28, 2020 by SHOE MAG
edited May 29, 2020